ENTIRE BUSINESS FOR SALE ! MUST SELL DUE TO AGE & DIABILITIES. Wonderful Turn Key Opportunity for young retirees. Established 14 years at this location with 55 years of Antique Picking in our inventory.
Retailer and Wholesaler to the Trade.
We are Wholesalers of fine 18Th.to Mid-20Th. Century Antiques.
We also wholesale and retail American Southern Folk Art. Many of our artists are noted Black Folk Artists. All our artists are Self Taught. They are Primitive or Naive, even Visionary in the style. All are Contemporary Artists with a Outsider view of the world around them. Please browse our gallery of fine works of art and antiques. Between $2 Million Low Retail already priced to $4 Million possible if you reprice at current inventory values. Many Antiques still in second floor warehouse never priced or offered before for sale.and 5000 Sq. Ft. two story turn key Main St. business & store in Historic Civil War Battlefield Town Everything are being sold for one unbelievable price. Asking $750,000 Cash. No financing Cash only. We are looking for one buyer for everything. Excape winter, we only get 1 inch of snow average a year in our part of NC. Email us for making an appointment to see it all at SHFA@yahoo.com.
Black Joe Jackson is a Afro-American Self-taught Folk Artist from Georgia born in 1920. His works are reminiscent of life in the black South,a half a century ago. He is a memory painter,who uses his talent and found wood and paint to express memorable and imagined events as he raised his family. He has a distinct style unlike others,his skys are immense emersing into a full spectrum of pallet. His flora is flamboyant, almost impressionistic; his focal figures are enlarged,and flowing. He uses distortion and hyperbole to express character and comedy. His works have been seen in several museums,and shown in major shows and galleries accross the eastern US. He was a big success at Folkfest '98, '99,& 2000 and shown at the Pier Show '98 & '99 in NYC. His exposure has been obscured by a few collectors who have hoarded his work,unseen by the public eye. They have outright purchased his entire production for years. Recently,they have released a few very large pieces for viewing and have sold at alarming prices. |
Listing Site Updates
Don't miss out on the latest. We will Email you if you onterested in a similiar item. Email us to be added to our list of collectors. Email: southernheritagefolkartantiques@yahoo.com |
We also wholesale to galleries and museums. Curators let us know if we can help you.
CALL ABOUT AVAILABILITY BEFORE YOU ORDER Jeff 252-268-6629Southern Heritage 115 N. Queen St. Kinston, NC 28501 |
For Inquiries or Availability (CLICK HERE)
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This is an old German Pa. Dutch Slipware Plate with the name "JACOB" on it. .
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